Are you still around if you are I have a Question for you about changing the rear end out on the syclone to a wider on that fits the wheels better you said there blazer one that is wider which years were they ?
vibration issue solved bad tranny mount sometihng simple pissed me off hahah also had many vac leaks now fixed Im getting together with paul soon he said he will tune my car. Hows things?
i have a question about the timing i know you have to disconnect the wire from the inside of the truck but do i have to plug off any vacuum line on the motor? say like you would do on older motors?
I pulled the front shaft off and drove the ty down the road still vibration so I know it isnt that. I will end up taking it someplace to figure it out. Annoying....
not bad emma is on school so not alot of time to do the ty thing im ready to park it though for winter it has run much better since tune up the cap was all corroded cruise still doesnt work donr know what happened there. do you have a baby seat for the sy? heh.
Hey Thanks. I live in Spokane WA. So it looks like I am the other side of the state from you. I did notice that there was a white typhoon in seattle for only $4000 with 122K was thinking about buying it for a daily driver while I work on my truck project.