Hey- the solid mounts... are they the moroso mounts, that attach to the motor? I've already got the jsm frame pads... just looking for mounts. (if so, I'll take them)
I'm trying to get rid of the ECU I bought from you a while back for my typhoon. It turned out to not be my problem so I'm selling but it I've gotten a few responses that the GM part # that you sold me doesn't match the part number for a typhoon/syclone ECU. just wondering if you remember and can offer any insight. -Matt
sorry very late reply, i couldn't find the message since the board was upgraded... anyway I'll ask my friend in States to bollow his address. btw - can you send some pics of the hitch? Thanks
Hey shaun I sent the money. Let me know when you recieve it. Also I was wondering if you have bumper cover support that the bumper cover mounts to because I took off my foglights and broke 1 mounting bolt. If not that is cool. But if you do how much.
Got the ECU in, thanks for the quick shipment. I hooked it up and it didn't solve my problem but at least now I know I can eliminate one more thing. I swear these trucks will just never run right moded... Thanks again! -Matt
thats for the whole carpet right?...i really only need the back part i have no intentions of taking out the whole thing...its seperate from the front or its all together?