Search results

  1. Typhoonracer

    Good to see you are still around bud. I hope all is well with you & yours!! Steve

    Good to see you are still around bud. I hope all is well with you & yours!! Steve
  2. Typhoonracer

    The DaveP Viscous Clutch / Transfer Case Test

    Just redid this test over the weekend and passed with flying colors. Now to look at geometry... and figure out WHY I keep braking CV axles. (Too short is a possibility)
  3. Typhoonracer

    Transmission issues

    Dave P has been around these since the beginning. We just don't know when to throw in the towel.....
  4. Typhoonracer

    The DaveP Viscous Clutch / Transfer Case Test

    Glad I re-found this!!!
  5. Typhoonracer

    Holley HP install and tips

    Had the weather pack connectors from another project don't remember why I had them but I put them to good use!
  6. Typhoonracer

    Holley HP install and tips

    Got a lot done the past few weeks I'll be brief as most of this has already been covered... I will definitely go more in-depth on the MSD box because I am still using mine. Holley wiring is so small that I decided to solder the new connectors on.
  7. Typhoonracer

    18 degree gaskets on Votecs ?

    I had a set of aluminum "gaskets" (shims really...) made to make up the difference... about 3/16th thick, use 1203's on the head side and silicone on the intake side... I did not have to have modify my lower beyond opening up the intake ports....
  8. Typhoonracer

    Aluminum Rad support

    Engine is going back in the Ty soon and I have an Aluminum radiator support to give me some clearance for my modified electric fan. I am going to be test fitting some industrial extruded frame work to build a fan shroud, Stay tuned for photos.... Steve
  9. Typhoonracer

    3rd Annual Midwest SyTy Meet - June 23-24

    I know there is a caravan starting in Hoffman estates... any body up for breakfast before that??? No the Ty is not ready but I will be there in a Turbocharged truck!!! with at least one SYTY fan!!!
  10. Typhoonracer

    Fall Wrench session!!!

    Re: Fall Wrench session!!! Come anyhow.... Gonna hang out and wrench and eat and bonfire.......
  11. Typhoonracer

    Fall Wrench session!!!

    Sat Nov 5th wrench session and cookout. Pot luck style bring a dish to pass and you own drinks. (please no alcohol) 10AM till ???? Come and hang out or plan on wrenchin on something!! bonfire when the sun goes down... I have 2 lifts .. a low one and a 4 post so if you need anything done come...
  12. Typhoonracer

    Custom TALL valve covers

    Selling my custom made solid billet Valve covers.... I really dont want to but I am going to Brodix heads and these will not work anymore.... My loss your GAIN... The Billet alone was $600......
  13. Typhoonracer

    Marine 772 "votex" heads Casting numbers??

    Re: Marine 772 "votex" heads Casting numbers?? Thanks Mark..... I will check that and post info if I can find anything.....
  14. Typhoonracer

    Marine 772 "votex" heads Casting numbers??

    Does anyone have casting numbers for the Marine 772 heads??? Search only shows the posts for regular Chevy / GMC casting numbers NOT Marine.. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  15. Typhoonracer

    New stock block Typhoon record. (Time slip and video added)

    Re: New stock block Typhoon record. (Time slip and video added) Congrats Matt, Nice run!!!
  16. Typhoonracer

    Pictures added!!! Chi-town meet!!! April 12 Sunday!!

    Re: Chi-town meet!!! April 12 Sunday!! Re: Chi-town meet!!! April 12 Sunday!! I will try to get there as well... May have a few kids in tow!!
  17. Typhoonracer

    UT. I have a set of Lil brodies raised port heads

    Re: UT. I have a set of Lil brodies raised port heads can you get me shipping cost to 61052??
  18. Typhoonracer

    772 vortec heads cracked.....

    Re: 772 vortec heads cracked..... Thanks guys! Mark I may have seen your Sy way back in the day.... Meet Jim when he was tuning one at US41... 90* temps, 90% humidity..... the truck Jim was tuning was still running VERY deep 11s..... Logan, Check your PM.
  19. Typhoonracer

    772 vortec heads cracked.....

    is this an on going issue with 772s? I have heard that they crack even if not ported, but if ported too much snap crackle, pop they go..... I have cracks between the valves in ALL comb chambers..... (pictures to follow.....) I am looking for the correct casting number for the L35s that work on...
  20. Typhoonracer

    MD Set of L35 heads for sale

    Re: Set of L35 heads for sale Still have these heads???