Re: Event is going....
just made it home, unloaded with 2 min to spare before storm came thru, not like yesterday tho, got the Sy in the garage and no cleaning needed :tup:
Thanks to the event staff
Thanks to Guy for letting us use the Rockford Racecraft trailor as a storm shelter, and all the sweet raffle prizes
Thanks to George Blake, for not only giving away a sweet tranny, but also had to turn away paying cutomers to get the trans built and to Homecoming, im sure you cant be thanked enough,
Thanks to Jeff Scott for the Code 59 lessons, much appreciated! :lol:
Thanks to all the vendors for the everything, especially the polished TB plate (intercooled), the chip andaptor and new chips, the renz fab AC delete kit w/ hardware, the syty nats package for 2 plus truck, because i took all of that home with me. :lol: :lol:
Thanks to Steve for sharing a room and being cool as always.
Thanks to Jayson for being the Appletini guy, now that shit is funny :rotf: :rotf:
Thanks to our waiter at BW3's for the discounted bill since he sucked!
Big shout outs to everyone involved as well as the Hotel staff for hooking us up with a dry room for the raffle, and for not giving us any grief while tuning was being done late night and for not getting mad about the AWD doughnuts in their grass.
:tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: