Kinda New Member Sy#0919


New member
Returning member here. Used to own a 93 Typhoon, but I sold it to a friend years ago, and have now picked up a Syclone, #0919. Its been a work in progress from the last few owners, which makes building it that much more of a challenge. Nevertheless Im stoked about working on it. It'll be a frame up restoration but not to factory original as I'm afraid its too far beyond that. I would love to post pics but I tried clicking the link to become a donating member and got:

"404 Error

You are trying to access /forums/awcoding....payment&sid=ds
You came from
Sorry, this page was not found. In a few seconds, you will be redirected to our main page"

Not sure what thats about...

Anyhow; Im well aware that the "search" function is your best friend, but nevertheless I'm sure I will have many questions, as Ive been out of the loop for a number of years now, and Ive never attempted anything as involved as this. Ive been drawing inspiration from a lot of you, and hope the result of my project is worthwhile.


Re: Kinda New Member Sy#0919

Welcome (back). Forum was recently updated - not sure if you need to donate any more to be able to upload pics?


New member
Re: Kinda New Member Sy#0919


A few pics to show where I'm starting from.

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Re: Kinda New Member Sy#0919

It looks like you have a clean 'roller' judging by chassis black and suspension; an excellent beginning to a great project.
What are you planning with your restoration?
Good luck.


New member
Re: Kinda New Member Sy#0919

It looks like you have a clean 'roller' judging by chassis black and suspension; an excellent beginning to a great project.
What are you planning with your restoration?
Good luck.


Thanks! Frame is in overall excellent shape. Gotta weld up one of the body mounts that was rotted. It's completely stripped down and is gonna get blasted and painted. The motor build is done, and I should be getting that back soon. I'm gonna do a JSM 3 link rear suspension, I have a 4L80E from a friend, body is gonna get painted etc, etc. it's gonna take a long time haha

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New member
Kinda New Member Sy#0919

Also, wasn't there a sub forum for members to post their projects? Or is there a place I can't post progress and ask some questions along the way?

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