Re: Registration!
Waste gate flapper sticks on the Sy causing over boost condition which shuts engine down under acceleration. Lubricating the flapper shaft doesn't work so have to pull turbo out to fix. Doubt it will be done in the next couple of weeks.
Forget about the Ty. Engine rebuilt but not put back in the truck yet. Really thought it would be done by now... If the engine/tranny was in the truck I would pay someone to finish and tune.
Sy-1177 said:No trucks??? What gives!!?? Still cool your attending though. :tup:
Waste gate flapper sticks on the Sy causing over boost condition which shuts engine down under acceleration. Lubricating the flapper shaft doesn't work so have to pull turbo out to fix. Doubt it will be done in the next couple of weeks.
Forget about the Ty. Engine rebuilt but not put back in the truck yet. Really thought it would be done by now... If the engine/tranny was in the truck I would pay someone to finish and tune.