or....Renz Floor and Go To Restaurant for Breakfast.
Who would like to make a reservation? My intentions are to leave my house on Friday morning around 9am or so...putting us in Detroit by ~5pm after food/gas stops.
I have some sleeping bags, but bringing your own pillow is recommended. I also have 4 reclining couch spots, 1 pull out sofabed, 1 single bed, and 1 queen bed....all for the taking. By then i may also have another couch and loveseat available for sleeping on.
I no longer have cat pissed carpetting, sorry...you'll have to sleep on clean floors this time. :lol:
Who would like to make a reservation? My intentions are to leave my house on Friday morning around 9am or so...putting us in Detroit by ~5pm after food/gas stops.
I have some sleeping bags, but bringing your own pillow is recommended. I also have 4 reclining couch spots, 1 pull out sofabed, 1 single bed, and 1 queen bed....all for the taking. By then i may also have another couch and loveseat available for sleeping on.
I no longer have cat pissed carpetting, sorry...you'll have to sleep on clean floors this time. :lol: