Renz Bed & Breakfast


not stock
or....Renz Floor and Go To Restaurant for Breakfast.

Who would like to make a reservation? My intentions are to leave my house on Friday morning around 9am or so...putting us in Detroit by ~5pm after food/gas stops.

I have some sleeping bags, but bringing your own pillow is recommended. I also have 4 reclining couch spots, 1 pull out sofabed, 1 single bed, and 1 queen bed....all for the taking. By then i may also have another couch and loveseat available for sleeping on.

I no longer have cat pissed carpetting,'ll have to sleep on clean floors this time. :lol:


Engine Killer, iPhone Killer, Lawnmower Killer
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

if i come i will stop by thursday night


91ProtoTy/IndyPaceTribute & Sawzall Master
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

I'll be there Thurs night with Keith aka Sy-1193. Save me a couch please.


not stock
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

Anytime will work. Just let me know when you plan on arriving. I can just leave my place unlocked if people are going to get there before i'm home from work.


not stock
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

I'll actually be in King of Prussia in the morning...but should be back in State College by 4pm or so.


lost marbles member
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

i'd call dibs on the pull out if you'd share it with me mike, but its too far for me to push my ty


not stock
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

NecroWolf said:
i'd call dibs on the pull out if you'd share it with me mike, but its too far for me to push my ty
my g/f will prolly be i think i'd rather sleep w/ her. next time maybe! :lol:


Turbo Inside
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

I was planning on being in D-town around the same time frame.... maybe we can hookup on 80 somewhere again like last year?


lost marbles member
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

MikeRenz said:
my g/f will prolly be i think i'd rather sleep w/ her. next time maybe! :lol:

being the less injured of the two of us i could cover for ya there :rotf: :tup

j/k but why does all the cool stuff happen on the other side of the country from me

Big Mike

New member
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

MikeRenz said:
I'll actually be in King of Prussia in the morning...but should be back in State College by 4pm or so.

What time are you leaving K of P, maybe we can meet up?


not stock
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

not sure....but i'll be w/ my business partner, so i'd rather not drag him into it. heh.


Active member
Re: Renz Bed & Breakfast

Thanks again for doing this Mike!

Heading out later today with Dennis (CrazyKaese), Mike (Big Mike) and his wife Donna.