We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already


New member
Yes IM working with Tony @ unlimited truck & trailer for homecoming 2010 allready. Homecoming 2010 better then the past 2 homecoming's. Got A big raffle prize in the works for 2010 ( If it all comes togather).. Stay tuned...


Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

GREAT! It's NEVER to early to begin planning for these events :cool:! You guys have my continued support, plenty of time to design some new stuff for raffle prizes... Monroe, MI in 2010 :lol:!
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New member
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

Awsome ! well we got 1 person, got start got to start somewere. Thanks Mike !!!


Engine Killer, iPhone Killer, Lawnmower Killer
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

sounds good the earlier the date is set the more people that will come :)


One of 101
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

Sweet, I was bummed to see only a NATS this year. HC is awesome, and much closer. I'll mark my calendar now.


New member
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

there was no 09 homecoming so that nationals would be the event this year and there will be no excuses for people not to attend


One of 101
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

there was no 09 homecoming so that nationals would be the event this year and there will be no excuses for people not to attend

I'm aware of that, and I've attended 2 NATS and 2 HC events, but I liked the shorter drive. I'm also aware that you can never please everyone, and I appreciate all the work the people who plan these events do for our ud to have a fun time together. I'll do my best to make NATS this year, once the date is determined.


Still plays with trucks
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

I wonder how that will go going over the boarder????

Under the bed cover and don't tell. If they ask it's for personal use as american beer is weak. :tup:
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Still plays with trucks
Re: We are starting to plan homecoming 2010 already

Re: We are starting to plan homecoming 2010 already

thats weak as in not strong not week as in 7 days

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And you are correcting me? :roll:

Syclone Rob

Its all ABOOT the SYTY eh
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

Is it legal to do so? Because if so, I will so bring a case or 2 of some Real beer as long as there would be no trouble at the boarder.... I will check it out.