We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already


New member
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

its no trouble, you just cant take it back across, I can drive to windsor buy 2 cases and drive back across 10 minutes later


New member
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

I don't draink so I would not know, want moonshine? I can get it..

Syclone Rob

Its all ABOOT the SYTY eh
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

ok, I will bring 2 cases.. you guys just gotta decide what kind you want..... If you like Labatt Blue, that would be nice since they make those in my home town....


Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

Rob just buy it at the duty free at the border when you cross you should not have a problem i never do.


New member
Re: We are startting to plan homecoming 2010 already

Can't have the dog. He will bite yo ass..
