What happened?


Well-known member
I am not sure what happened around here. I remember joining this forum about 10 yrs ago, and this place was great. Full of knowledge, help, comments, and personality. A person would post, and 10 people would be responding to assist. It really welcomed me, and made me want to buy my ty. It seems like within the last 6 months, it is on life support.
I know after the change of format of the site, it really has changed. I personally am thankful for those who changed the site, but to me, it is very different and not as smooth as the other format. I can not get used to it, and the various functions that are not working (esp. search) seems like the years of knowledge and work by original members are not obtainable.
I am just lost because where did everyone go? Is everyone on Facebook, and that is it?
I just miss the feel of the welcoming community that made loving the typhoon much easier.


New member
I'm with you on that. Doesn't seem like you hear from any of the long time Syty members anymore. Guys like Captain Morgan, Mike Renz, JSM, and several more that contributed so much in the way of knowledge and new tech for our trucks. Maybe these members have moved on to other things as we all do as we grow older. It seems like with the new technology with modern performance vehicles Syty's have fallen off. Today you can by a production vehicle that makes 500 + HP with technology to improve upon that with just a computer re-tune. I guess we'll have to do a lot of searching the archives to find answers when it is working good.


I pity da fool
I've been around for just a couple of years. That being said when i tried to acquire information for my build, Google helped me out 10x more than anybody on this forum. Granted all the information came from archive info from this site. It seems to me that the people who made this place such a great resource are no longer around. Unless you are following some unspoken set of rules with your truck, you are not welcome into the "click". If you possess any form of free thinking or thoughts of modifying a syty beyond what these people consider acceptable you will not be welcome. If you ask me these trucks are some of the worst engineered unreliable over complicated money sucking hunk of metal trucks g.m. ever produced. That being said I own one and will never sell it. What makes these trucks what they are is that they represent the concept of being different. A concept people around here can't seem to recognize. The only thing that makes these trucks cool is the one thing the purist minds absolutely loathe. How ironic? I am in the process of taking my already 2 wheel drive typhoon and ditching the 4.3 and going sbc. I know you say how different is that? It ain't one damn bit original or different, but it is simple and reliable. The truck itself represents being different and original, thats enough for me. If others want to spend thousands to build an "original" truck so they can baby it around town in hopes it dont break down than more power to them. A shitty little turbo full of backpressure hooked to a shitty little engine with a poor oiling system hooked to a shitty minivan power robbing transfercase hooked to a shitty metric weak ass rear end hooked to some shitty little 16in tires. Sounds like a hell of a combo that you better not try to improve. Any one of these trucks that somebody puts time and effort into deserves to be recognized, regardless of the direction of the truck. For the money these things require to be "nice" on any level, could put you into a real nice everyday street rod. I'll butcher the shit out of my typhoon until its nothing more than an s10 blazer with a v8 that looks like a typhoon. And guess what everytime i hit the key I know it WILL start and bring to life the rumble of a detroit built small block chevy. An engine i can run to redline everytime. An engine that weighs a mere 200lbs more but puts out 150 more horsepower. An engine that will flat out wax any stock purist form syty. Find me any race car, a real race car that is not rear wheel drive. You wont. AWD is a gimmick that you put on some lesbians subaru so she dont get stuck in her driveway. Its a way to take a moderatly powered vechicle and make it move like a high powered one. You can keep your syty gimmick awd and piss poor gimmick turbo.


GMC Racing
Don’t know what happened either and miss the old active site and members. I have only been around a few years and It seem to have a few member challenges from time to time but ultimately didn't affect the overall website at all. I do miss the old green layout but the site change is good and once all the bugs are worked out it will be worth the wait. I’m sure there’s a point in all of us to go different directions. just assuming if you dident get booted, example, “jimmy” or publicly leave, example,“DaveP” then they just might be back....... overall syty.net is the best website for our trucks and still enjoy it.


Well-known member
could not agree more. (facebook) look at the log in sign in bar... "log in with facebook".

I noticed since the first forum change activity has been down. after the second change it's like lake placid. not even a ripple in the water. ( I may be exaggerating a little)

I know my activity has been down because I struggle to use the new-new forum format now. can't post pictures or really refer to any old ones. search doesn't work. basically the way I'm seeing it "shows over" nothing left to see.

hopefully the forum bounces back.


Donating Member
I am still pretty new to the forum but it took months for me to become an approved member and only then did i get approved after finding help thru Facebook this may be why the forum died new member couldn't join as old members left hopefully this has been addressed with the newest changes and hopefully the site becomes fully functional again and the community will return. I do use both face book and the forums regularly.


I pity da fool
Maybe the fact that new members are treated like outsiders might have something to do with the problem. Or how about trying to get any sort of technical information......good luck. Nothing left here but a bunch of disgruntled haters. What a way to encourage a new generation of syty owners to be enthusiastic. If the people here really loved these trucks as much as they say they do, any form of syty interest would be welcomed instead of pushed away. I guess the tendacy of these trucks to be unreliable basket cases ends up rubbing of on their owners.


This probably won't be liked, but oh well.

TL;DR: People got tired of waiting for the site to be updated/fixed/etc and wound up leaving. Ownership was offered assistance numerous times and completely ignored. People got tired of it and a bunch went and started their own forum. Then all of a sudden it was all "oh, what happened? Where did everyone go? Why did they leave?". The decline of SyTy.net has nothing to do with Facebook, it had everything to do with the (mis)management of it.


Active member
The loss of third party hosting from Photobucket doesn't help either, a lot of valuable pics are now gone! I'm also not a fan of the new format. And I don't do Facebook.


Brick Pilot
Have been a member for a while, but shortly after having a severe injury at work 3 years later, it put me in a state of 'sitting on my ass recovering with nothing to do'. It was the 'ex' that pointed me to 'FB'. Was a great 'waste of time' while sitting healing. Keeping in touch with old classmates and relatives. It turned into more of a pain later on with all the political rhetoric, upmanship and such. About that time is when .net started to sink. From some info, it was a few members that wanted away from here and started other sites or FB sites. I don't know... but now with the current issues happening here, it isn't as pleasant as it used to be.
But there is always tomorrow. :/
P.S. ..... Admins. keep trying. I miss the old .net.


These trucks are cursed
I agree with many of the comments in the previous posts... I don't really think the lack of updating the forum had anything to do with people leaving though. I mean the site still worked and search worked... I think knowledgeable people leaving is what hurt most. I'm not one to dig into people's personal lives on here and I don't care much for dirty laundry, but I know there's been some rifts with admins and members... silly bickering between who has the facts and who's wrong... blah blah blah... then we had the porn thread, the assvatars hahaha, words getting blocked, posts getting deleted... all kinds of nonsense on here over the years. The only thing that ever stopped me coming to the forum was losing interest in the truck or not having the time or money to fix the POS.

Jimmy getting banned still makes me laugh. I'm probably the only one on here that misses his asshole-ish insults and posts... I still laugh at some post from eons ago where he said someone's cladding looked queerer than a football bat hahaha

Anyway, the facebook page is an atrocity at best even though it appears as though a majority of people defected over there... for reasons I can't understand, nothing is organized, there's no search, and too many BS comments to sift through.

I think the last few updates to the forum and the loss of pics on photobucket were the nail in the coffin for the few people still posting. Like Garth said in Wayne's World "we fear change", and with all the changes and archive posts missing pics... there wasn't much to come back to.

I agree with Faux GT, I miss the old .net, and I really miss the black/red Syclone theme. This white and blue is killin me! Plus, where the eff is the "new posts" link? Also, social media doesn't need to be incorporated into everything... ditch the fakebook/twitter buttons. I'm here for a reason, I don't need to tweet that I made a post on here, and vBulletin err whoever doesn't need to gather all my personal info from facebook...

As far as the noobs go... Sorry to be the demotivater... but if you don't hate these trucks, you haven't owned one long enough hahaha
Hello friends,
I too haven't been able to do searches successfully since the new site was introduced.
I find it confusing to navigate this site format to a large degree. I regularly peruse www.ford-trucks.com site and I can navigate over there with ease.
It seemed that the 'flow' of our former site was more effective, and IMO, having all 'recent posts' at the main page was easiest way to see what was happening "at that moment" in time, currently.
I haven't been able to find the "current postings" on this site since the site went online. I'm not a techie I admit, but I can fumble my way around and this new site hasn't helped me find my search queries at all.
I commend you techies who administer this site for the challenges you regularly undertake so please don't think I'm bashing you as I truly am not. A new site introduction has to be a monumental challenge, well above my capability, so keep up the good work.
However, if there is a member concensus drawn whether to keep the new site or revive the old site then I have to be selfish and ask for the old site to be returned (sorry). I feel I've lost all of the new posts, since the switch, already because I cannot find them anyway.
I love this STYTY site and want to continue to use and benefit from the experience of those who have been here offering their expertise and knowledge.
Best of luck with your update and site decisions.
Merry Christmas to all...
Hello friends,
I too haven't been able to do searches successfully since the new site was launched.
I find it confusing to navigate this site format to a large degree. I regularly peruse www.ford-trucks.com site and I can navigate there with ease.
It seemed that the 'flow' of our formersite was more effective, and IMO, having all 'recent posts' at the main page was the easiest way to see what was happening "at that moment" in time, currently.
I haven't been able to find the 'current postings' on this site since the site went online. I'm not a techie I admit, but I can fumble my way around and this new site hasn't helped me find my search queries at all.
I commend you techies who administer this site for the challenges you regularly undertake so please don't think I'm bashing you as I truly am not. A new site introduction has to be a monumental challenge, well above my capability, so keep up the good work.
However, if there is a member concensus drawn whether to keep the new site or revive the old site then \I have to be selfish and ask for the old site to be returned (sorry). I feel I've lost all the new posts since the switch already because I cannot find them anyway.
I don't do FaceBook or the social media thing so I'm not up-to-speed with fellow members grief of those issues though I do understand the interlinking of mediums to capture our data and lifestyle activities so for that reason I too prefer a more archaic forum to search for my questions to my 1st Gen square body S-Series issues and upgrades.
I love this SYTY site and want to continue to use and benefit from the experience of those who have been here offering their expertise and knowledge.
Best of luck with your update and s ite decisions.
Merry Christmas to all.


I've been wondering the same question last few weeks after logging back on after a ~2 years absence. My truck got stolen and haven't had time to recreate it.

Be great if the stock pile of information could come back. I believe the photo bucket black mail that happened last Summer was the nail in the coffin unless Photobucket reverts its policy. I know my few posts on how to do tasks now have no pictures attached to them because I don't want to pay photo bucket $400/yr redirect fee and I can't be the only one. Just talking with other people, even like on the gun forums, have had the same issues whereby they've had to reteach their older forum members how to move their photos/links to another site like Imgur. The amount of info on SYTY was fantastic and gave the motivation to work on these trucks and share ones trials and tribulations. It took an inordinate amount of time working on these trucks.

Side note: remember too that some of us that love / loved these trucks are even older now with kids and don't have time to tinker or re-fix old posts w bad links. I don't know if there ever was like a timestamp taken of the entire forum with photos attached that could be recovered archive would be amazing. Hence for the truck info to survive new posts will have to be created and maybe saved with images that can't be erased but that may cost a bit more.

Praying for come back, so much great info shared and really cool fixes, Pete
The site has way too many issues. New posts don't appear in the forum list of threads. Replies don't go through or they do and you post 15 times before you realize they did. It's going to die just like S-Series.Org did back in the day and it was the original s-series forum. Hated to see it go, too. Jack Wilburn did a great job with that for as long as he did. It was his truck and his pages on s-series.org that led me here in 2001. I think DaveP ended up with his truck that caught on fire. I can't recall exactly.

And for the one who missed the other thread, you can search this site through the Google search bar. Type in the search terms then type in *site:http://www.syty.net* exactly as you see it between the *'s. So an example would be

3200 converter site:http://www.syty.net

Exactly as shown above. Or switch "3200 converter" with whatever term(s) you want to search for.

3200 converter search results @ Google search


I Love My Ty's
I just stopped in because I had not been on for quite some time. And it looks like nothing is going on at all. What happened? Where is everyone? I decided to take a little time from funneling money on the money pits for awhile. But they are still all here collecting dust.


I wonder if this site would gain popularity again if GMC came out with a new Sy and Ty? Of course we all know that will never happen but would be interesting to see.